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Climate & Sustainability

List of criteria - Project selection criteria for nature-based climate protection and local climate impact adaptation in the ERDF

Creation of a criteria catalog for projects with a focus on nature-based solutions / nature-based climate protection and adaptation to climate change (including blue-green infrastructure).

Contract/funding by:
German Federation for the Environment and Nature Conservation (BUND)


Guidelines for the implementation of municipal biodiversity strategies

Development of an action guideline on funding opportunities that municipalities can use for the development and implementation of municipal biodiversity strategies.

Contract/funding by:
German Federation for the Environment and Nature Conservation (BUND)


Development of an impact indicator for international soil protection

Development of a standardized impact indicator in the area of conservation, sustainable management and restoration of land (including forests) in German development cooperation projects.

Contract/funding by:
German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ)


Strategic environmental assessments of ERDF programs for the 2021 to 2027 funding period

Conducting strategic environmental assessments in accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment Act (UVPG) and involving other authorities and the public. The assessments are carried out in parallel with the preparation of the programs. Both potential significant negative impacts, for which alternatives are to be described in accordance with Section 40 UVPG, and potential significant positive impacts, which can contribute to the achievement of environmental and sustainability policy objectives of the ERDF program, are assessed.

Contract/funding by:
ERDF administrative authorities of the federal states of Bavaria, Berlin, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland and Schleswig-Holstein


Evaluation of funding guidelines and discussion paper for nature-based climate protection and local climate impact adaptation

Preparation of an analysis of the funding regulations of the ERDF, JTF and REACT-EU measures to identify innovative and nationally transferable funding regulations and trends in the funding landscape with a focus on nature-based solutions / nature-based climate protection, climate adaptation (including blue-green infrastructures) and biodiversity-promoting regulations / measures. Preparation of a discussion paper which sets out obstacles to funding (application and implementation) and presents initial proposals for solutions.

Contract/funding by:
German Federation for the Environment and Nature Conservation (BUND)


Evaluation of climate in the European Regional Development Fund 2021-2027

Examination of the ERDF Operational Programmes for Germany with regard to the extent to which climate protection and adaptation to climate change objectives are taken into account.

Contract/funding by:
Directorate General Climate Policy, EU Commission

Verification of compliance with the "Do no significant harm principle" in ERDF programs

Ex-ante assessment of ERDF programs 2021-2027 for their compatibility with the do-no-significant-harm principle, referring to the six environmental objectives under Article 17 of the EU Taxonomy Regulation: 1. climate change mitigation; 2. adaptation to climate change; 3. sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources; 4. transition to a circular economy; 5. pollution prevention and control; 6. protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems. Overlaps with the Strategic Environmental Assessment were considered.

Contract/funding by:
Managing authorities of the federal states of North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, Schleswig-Holstein and Lower Saxony


Promotion of sustainable development, environmental and climate protection in the framework of EU cohesion and regional policy (ERDF) after 2020

Brief study with arguments for increased environmental support in the ERDF after 2020

Contract/funding by:
World Wildlife Funds Germany


Creation of a catalog of recommendations for the development of environmentally friendly funding guidelines

In preparation for the ERDF funding period 2014-2020, recommendations will be developed on how the cross-cutting goal of sustainable development can be strengthened in the concrete design of cohesion policy funding guidelines.

Contract/funding by:
World Wildlife Funds Germany


Ex-ante Evaluation of the Financial Instrument "Climate Protection Loan Fund" of the ERDF Program of the State of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 2014-2020

Ex-ante evaluation of the financial instrument "Climate Protection Loan Fund". Evidence of any market weaknesses or suboptimal investment situations. Derived from this, an optimal use of funds by the state for the thematic goal "reduction of CO2 emissions" is to be achieved through concrete recommendations for action for a better strategic orientation and optimal design of the climate protection loan fund, if necessary.

Contract/funding by:
Ministry of Energy, Infrastructure and State Development Mecklenburg-Vorpommern


Supporting the implementation of the EU Action Plan for Environmental Innovation in Germany

Monitoring of the national process for the implementation of the EU 'Environmental Innovation Action Plan' within the framework of dialogue processes in workshops with representatives from politics, science and industry.

Contract/funding by:
Federal Environment Agency


EU funding compass for municipalities and regions

Comprehensive information offer for municipal and civil society actors in Germany on all environmental and sustainability-related funding opportunities from the European Structural and Investment Funds.

Contract/funding by:
Federal Environment Agency