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We promote climate protection and sustainability through studies, information on funding and consulting.

The global importance and urgency of sustainable development are again impressively expressed in the United Nations' Agenda 2030 of 2015. Since the 1980s, sustainable development has been regarded as a guiding principle for combining the protection and preservation of the natural foundations of life with healthy, humane living and working conditions in a more peaceful world of declining social inequality.

Climate protection as one of the greatest environmental policy challenges requires a global transformation of energy systems with the goals of completely converting the energy supply to renewable energies and massively increasing energy efficiency and energy savings. This is the only way to achieve the goal of the Paris Climate Protection Agreement of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees.

Not only technological innovations and an ecological structural change in the economy contribute to solving the problem, but also social and cultural innovations that lead, for example, to changes in behaviour with regard to nutrition, housing, mobility, lifestyle etc.

We support activities for the realization of Agenda 2030, environmental and climate protection, and energy system transformation in the following areas:


Information and advice on public funding opportunities for environmental and climate protection from the ESI fund

Funding concepts

e.g. development of strategic approaches and design of funding guidelines

Employment effects

e.g. analysis of employment effects of energy scenarios


e.g. investigation of changed qualification requirements and qualification needs of the energy system transformation


Design and moderation of communication and dialogue processes